Friday 24 June 2011

Lakota life and history

How many of the Lakota live.

It take a 'Wasichu' to bring the truth to the rest of the 'Wasichus'!

Why does Keisha do nothing about the people she claims to be a "Shaman" for?
How can she stand in front of anyone else and make claims that she has authority to practice ceremonies, carry a 'Chanunpa' (ceremonial pipe), wear a medicine bundle, wear a buckskin, facilitate 'Inipi' (sweat lodge), when the Elders of the Lakota do not know her and have never met her?
She has no integrity as she allows 'her' people to suffer while she makes hundreds of thousands from their traditions and gives nothing back!

Note: how sad and ironic that IBM sponsors the video, when they were responsible for the machines and the numbering system, that counted the victims of the Nazi concentration camps, and are now the leaders in the campaign for RFID chips in humans around the world! They have made, and want to make more, billions from suffering!

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